Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Climate. Who’s Fault is it Anyway

The world is in deadlock on dealing with carbon emissions. The developing world see’s the developed as being responsible. The developed world see’s the fast growing developing world as the future culprits. Stale mate! No one trusts the other. No one sees any leaders.

So how has this come about. In the developed world, own responsibility has been a historic and continued high carbon growth causing the climate problem. The mitigation roadblock is that there is no foreseeable low carbon pathway planned. People are too busy having a nice time to worry about future generations and thus deny there is a problem. In the developing world own responsibility comes from historic cultural, religious, political and economic failures being the cause of poverty and a chance low carbon footprint. The mitigation roadblock for them is a desire for economic growth and poverty alleviation.

So how do you break the Deadlock. Would the south accept slower growth if the north delivered a viable low carbon pathway? And visa versa. Both would be converging activities, ultimately to the benefit of all. For the 1st time in history, this needs “everyone” to start Talking, Trusting, Risking.

Actions that could be considered are: What political action would this require; What economic system needs developing; What technology would be adopted

This is no longer about blame. Its about action from real leaders.

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